Jul 23, 17 · Disable Origin InGame Overlay By default, Origin InGame is enabled If you want to check whether Origin overlay is enabled or not, just play a game using origin, and press "Shift F1" If Origin's menu pops up on your screen while you're ingame, then the Overlay is enabledExceptionally poor/bad/sloppy/lazy/shit coding That said, if you're still running 7 you can also get an fps gain by disabling aero when Origin is open Should see ~ 10fps more on the minimumsFeb 07, 17 · To Turn On or Off Xbox Game Bar in Settings 1 Open Settings, and click/tap on the Gaming icon Starting with Windows 10 (H1) builds, you will need to click/tap on Xbox Game bar on the left side instead, and turn on (default) or off Enable Xbox Game bar for things like recording game clips, chatting with friends, and receiving game invites How To Fix Origin Won T Open On Windows 10 Neogamr Origin in game won't turn off